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Currently, the school employs 73 employees including teachers of general subjects, professional and administrative staff. For the Environment of the School of 695 students attending. Due to the large number of students the school is working in two shifts.
Although the school is located in the city center, the majority of students are residents of neighboring villages and more. This is a school with a long tradition of vocational training.
As on September 01, 1965. The key was created Vocational Training School in Leszno. Name of the school was changed gradually during the many years of its operation. Together with the nomenclature changed profiles tailored education to labor market needs in Leszno, in the region as well as in the Greater of Poland Region. Then training is complemented by technical schools. Definitely the school was named School of Environmental Protection on September 1, 2002.
Now part of the School of the Environment include: Vocational School No. 4. However Technical School with effect from 1 September 2015 r. to of the School of Environmental Protection is turned on High School No. 4 in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of Leszno of 04 November 2014.
Technical School No. 4 at the School of Environmental Protection in Leszno professions education: sanitary technician, mechanic technician, technician hairdressing services. The school was one of the first in the region established a degree of techniques and devices renewable energy systems, which is very popular among the graduates of middle schools.
The primary objective of vocational education sanitation techniques is to prepare graduates to supervise and perform installation of water, sewer, gas, ventilation, etc .; prepare each installation to commissioning and supervision of construction. The patronage of the students gaining the profession technician of mechanic took The Pump Factory in Leszno, which in connection with the intensive development will create additional jobs for students educated in this profession. The aim of education is to prepare graduates to organize and supervise the course of manufacture of machinery and equipment, operation of numerically controlled machines, and perform quality control of products and services.
As for the technique of hairdressing services the primary purpose of education is to acquire the knowledge and skills to perform the full range of hairdressing services, the use of the latest developments in the work of hairdressing, implementing innovations in fashion and hairdressing techniques and the use and maintenance of equipment and instruments for hairdressers.
Profile Graduates techniques and devices renewable energy systems have the ability to work, inter alia, the installation companies involved in the design of renewable energy systems, in facilities for the installation of renewable energy systems and power plants, power plants and heating plants as well as other institutions involved in the generation and exploitation of renewable energy.
From 01 September 2015. As part of the High School No. 4 at the School of Environmental Protection will be in addition to the already existing specialties such as nutrition biological elements and image; European elements, and overall project management of pedagogy and psychology.
Vocational School No. 4, which also is part of the School of Environmental education in the professions: tinsmith, confectioner, carpenter, roofer, electrician, automotive electrician, electrician, photographer, hairdresser, vesicle, mason, chimney sweep, smith, furrier, painter , car mechanic, mechanic-fitter machinery and equipment, mechanic-operator vehicles and farm machinery, electronics fitter, fitter network installation and sanitation, cutting machine operator, baker, salesman, carpenter, locksmith, upholsterer, meat processor, potter, watchmaker, jeweler and goldsmith-selected by any other high school graduate profession.
The school wants to provide its students the best care and supervision of the individual development of the individual. It is a place of cooperation, global cooperation and best understanding. The school taught languages are spoken: English general, German general English in vocational and German in vocational training.
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