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I.I.S.S “E.MAJORANA” is a secondary general school and our students (700) range from 14 to 19 years old. In our school there are some students with special needs in perfect armony with the school that work in class with the other pupils helped by a supplementary teacher. It is located in a town with 17.000 inhabitants, surrounded by four other similar towns where most of our students originate from.
Scordia is an agricultural centre with one of the most important intensive citrus industries in Italy. The agricultural crisis has increased the economic problems of these towns, giving origin to gigantic phenomena of juvenile unemployment, accompanied by expressions of uneasiness, like scholastic abandonment.
The school is the only government institute of the town and represents a point of reference, a centre of ferment of the social and cultural comparisons of the district.
In the same building there are three different school courses:
1) Scientific
2) Human sciences
3) Foreign languages (French, English, Spanish, Deutch)
4) Administration, finance and marketing - Militello in Val di Catania - Vizzini.
5) Artistic high school. Militello in Val di Catania
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