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We had an international day at our school on Thursday 11th of May 2016. There were many visitors from different back grounds and we got a wide perspective on how it is to live in different countries. We also had some video contacts. Many of the speakers were our former or current students. The experiences from abroad were gathered for example from exchange year, au pair- year or from Erasmus KA2-project meetings. We had many stands, speeches, music and other performances. We also saw how to make a huge origami. All in all more than ten countries were represented and there were about 30 performers.

Dissemination Finland

The students of Erasmus KA2-project on their stands


Dissemination Finland

Our performance group and huge origamis


The students and teachers of the Erasmus KA2-project

The students and teachers of the Erasmus KA2-project

The teachers of Erasmus KA2-project

The teachers of Erasmus KA2-project


Dissemination Finland
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