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Mobility carried out

1) Transnational meeting Scordia 1-3 Dicembre 2015

2) Short term exchange: Scordia 11-15 January 2016

3) Short term exchange: Aguilar de Campoo 22- 26 February 2016

4) Short term exchange: Rovigo 11- 15 April 2016


1) Transnational meeting Scordia 1-3 Dicembre 2015

Success factors

The meeting clarified all the doubts on the management of the project. It planned in detail all the activities and mobility for the following three years. The satisfaction survey of participants has allowed positive evaluation in every part of the meeting.

Critical factors

There was a short time to organize the first two “Short term exchanges” in Scordia (11-15 Gennaio/January 2016) and in Aguilar de Campoo (22- 26 Febbraio/February 2016).

Success factors

Before mobility

Before each mobility, the students involved and travelling to the exchange destination researched the legislation governing apprenticeships and training processes in alternative training institutions in the country to be visited

Furthermore, they tried to get to know as much as possible on creating and managing enterprises and on recruitment procedures in the country visited..

The host school has correctly carried out all the preliminary operations regarding contacts with partners families and students in order to match partners, provide for hospitality and to plan all the activities.

All the mobility events that took place are placed on school websites; articles were published in local newspapers and on news portals.

During the mobility

During the meeting the host school explained to those participating from other countries the national educational and training system as well as providing information on creating and managing enterprises.

All visits to companies, public or private, provided excellent incentives to get students participating in the project to know about the areas in which students could find opportunities for internship courses, internships, alternative and apprenticeship training before or after graduation and also during and after their university courses.

All the conferences were conducted in the presence of experts, managers/directors and public authorities.

All activities have been published through websites, press and regional media.


Articles for the local media and a bulletin board have been established in very visible places of the school buildings.

Evaluations through questionnaire have been completed by host families, students, hosted students and teachers.

Each school organizes various modes to communicate the experience of the project through meetings, conferences or exhibitions.

Critical factors


The portfolio of skills for each student involved in the motilities has not been completed yet by all participants

There have been some delays on the part of some schools to send students’ presentations.

The age of the Estonian students has been higher (19) than the one agreed (16) during the transnational meeting.


Difficulty in communicating in English for some pupils of some national groups; some lack of interest and willingness to establish friendly contacts with partners and hosting families. Furthermore, a lack of courtesy in some instances has been noted by hosting families who have been disappointed that their instructions have not been followed.

As in the project all schools have to do

Summary report for project website in English ( with photographic documentation)

….it will prepare an annotated list of all the possibilities that students have to undertake alternative routes of training to traditional paths that provide permanence to 100% of the time in class.

These investigations will focus:

1) The possibilities for at-risk school leavers during the upper secondary course to continue into apprenticeship rather than following regular school studies.

2) The possibility of alternating training courses, internships and apprenticeships that the students can follow during their regular secondary school studies.

3) The possibility to continue their studies, after gaining their diploma, in higher apprenticeship, in universities that have some capacity of training in enterprises, or other institutions present in the visited area.

4) The possibilities offered by companies in the area of the school, in high postgraduate training (focus on the economical sector present in the visited area).

The schools will enter all the information in their mother tongue in their own web sites and a summary in English on the website dedicated to the project and e-twinning.

On the website of all the schools there will be reports, enriched by photographic documentation, written by pupils involved in project activities.

Brochure (in mother tongue)

After each mobility participating students will develop digital and paper materials (brochure) showing the practical possibilities offered by the visited country in training apprenticeships, internships and apprenticeships, or university specialization courses and postgraduate studies.

Until now not all the schools have produced this report and some schools need to send it to the coordinator:

1. Articles and press releases (in mother tongue): the most interesting events will be the subject of articles and press releases that will be located in the local general media, and in the regional and national media dedicated to training and education.

2. Storyboard of each student (English): the story-board written by each student will be read by teachers, and will allow them to monitor the welfare of all. This will also give an indication not only if the student is well but if there have been positive communication channels and collaborations.


Strong points:

Very intense communications between the partners and all the stakeholders: The coordinator of the project since the beginning of this project has received and responded to over 800 mails.

Contacts between almost all components of the project have been almost daily through two groups whatsapp: one for all participants in the activities and one only for coordinators.

Points of weakness

The Estonian teacher coordinator has no whatsapp connection. Until now we have not received any material to publish from Estonian people.

Evaluation of all mobility experiences

Strong points

The evaluation questionnaires were administered and completed

Points of weakness

Not all the activities calendars and quarterly reports have been compiled by each school


Strong points:

Use of e-twinning, project website and the local media on the part of the organizers of the events schools

Points of weakness

Not all schools have communicated the published articles

Only some schools are using adequately the different sections of the TwinSpace on the e-twinning dedicated to the project.


Schools will be invited to try to remove the points of weakness in order to assess the corrections to be made to the project.

Questions about the Europass certification have to be discussed in order to try to obtain some form of standardisation as it appears in a different format in every country participating, also because of the evaluation process which was described in the submitted project.

Salvatore Di Stefano

All the coordinators of the schools involved in the project discussed for many hours about the relation of the coordinator and produced the following table

(to properly view the table from a smartphone scroll left or right)


Every host school must

Every visiting school must

Every student must


· Keep Contact with stakeholders (schools, families, partners ) -organize programme for visit + conference. Do the preparatory work to local press

  • Make students research host country including education + companies
  • Give presentation to host school
  • Research system


  • Disseminate
  • Manage + monitor activities
  • Support host school in all activities
  • Communicate any problems or concerns
  • Write Diary/Storyboard
  • Collect material for report (photograph, news, etc.)


  • Collect material for website
  • Disseminate
  • Do the evaluation
  • Report in mother tongue
  • Do the summary report English
  • Disseminate
  • Ensure that students produce work and it is published
  • Produce/contribute to report summary
  • Prepare brochure
  • Finalize diary
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